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Starting Up HR

We work with growing companies to enable them to shape and develop what effective HR should look like within their business

By working with us we will:

- Find where HR fits within your business.

- Examine what level of HR activity is already in place.

- Produce and activate an HR Audit.

- Consult the business about the proposed HR service.

- Shape the required HR product and service to support the business.

- Develop and agree the unique HR Strategy Model for your business.

By putting in place and developing your own HR Function, benefits will include:

- Building up the Culture and Values within your organisation.

- Organising the Hiring and Development for your Workforce.

- Help resolve any Conflict Management Situations in a structured and consistent manner.

- Implement effective Employee Performance Management Systems.

​- Developing good business relationships both internally and externally.

Cost and Project Timetable:

The cost for this service is based on a day rate per consultant and in our experience should take approximately 7 to 10 working days to complete, dependent on the size of the business and location (Number of days and consultants required is agreed before the work begins).

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Our Services

We offer a range of HR Consultancy services, both long term and project based, to help shape and develop effective People Strategies and Results.